MySQL Forums And Topics Discussions About Open Source Database

learn share and help each other about problems questions and answers about mysql database and how you can program your computer wallpaper website using a mysql database

# TopicPosted ByViewsReplies
1How To Import Regular .sql File In Linux Commandwebune720
2Illegal Mix Of Collations Latin Swedish Ci Implicit And Utf8 General Ci Coercible For Operationrob1500
3Example Of MySQL Insert Into Multiple Tables With One Queryjack4910
4Warning: Mysql_fetch_row() Expects Parameter 1 To Be Resource, Boolean Given In Phpwallpaperama3670
5Mysql Query How To Increment A Row By One Or Add Plus 1 Numberhostnam2810
6How To Change Phpmyadmin Default Theme Permanentlyzcar19521
7MySQL Command To Move Row From One Table To Anotherdown3780
8Mysql Use Concat To Combine Two Or More Field In A Tablewallpaperama2700
9Mysql Copy Data From One Row And Insert Into Anotherwallpaperama14910
10Generate A Mysql Results With One Query Order By Randommel5231
11Query To Retrieve Last 10 Rows In MySQL Using PHP Codewallpaperama29551
12How To Send A MySQL Query And Update Last 10 Rows Onlywallpaperama39280
13warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: access denied for user 'shanks8191
14How To Display Number Of Columns From A Database Tablehanden7541
15Making Multiple Distinc or Unique (No Duplicates) Queries In MySQLwallpaperama10180
16How To Terminate MySQL Database Connection With mysql_close()wallpaperama7950
17Problems With My Ispconfig Cannot Login To Phpmyadminyumi924602
18How To Connect To MySQL Database With Command Terminalwallpaperama26530
19MySQL PHP Will Not Save The Results In Setwallpaperama12710
20Warning: Session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot Send Session Cache Limiterdoes7t9393