if you ever wanted to know how to change a character in a string, its easy with php.

lets say i have a string, the this is the value:

$string = "Wallpaperama has many screensavers you can download for free in our screensavers page"

ok, lets say i want to change all the words "screensavers" to "wallpapers" and this is how i would do it:

$string = "Wallpaperama has many screensavers you can download for free in our screensavers page"
echo str_replace(('screensavers','wallpapers',$string);

with this code, i am telling php that i want to replace any part of the string that contains "screensavers" and replace it with "wallpapaers" and the ouput will be like this

Wallpaperama has many wallpapers you can download for free in our wallpapers page

this is the format to use this function:

str_replace ('find this', 'replace it with this', 'in this')