zoomwallpapers.com was a free wallpapers downloads website which generated high ranking through google. We had a links partnership with zoomwallpapers.com -
However, as of March 2020, this website is no longer in operations. When you visit the site at zoom wallpapers you get a invalid message.
UPDATED BY ADMIN: the zoomwallpapers link has been removed from this page.

why? - when we did an audit through google:

wallpaperama is not listed, this is due because the zoom wallpapers is no longer in operations.

Your search - szoomwallpapers wallpaperama - did not match any documents.

according to the whois data, this is a godaddy domain that is DomainsByProxy.com
the site is being hosted by United States of America Virginia Ashburn by rackspace

That is all the information we have for now.