if you have acces to the superuser root account and were not given a greular user account name and password, then you must use the root account to create a regular user account for yourself.

depending on the version of linux you are running, steps in creating a new user account may be different in distributions. if my steps don't work, check the user manula that came with your sytem for the correct procedure.

1. log in as roo on your linux system
2. at the command prompt create a new user. lets say the name of the user i want to create is called login-name

for redhat-
adduser login-name

for SuSE environments:
useradd =m login-name

for example, adduser eddie create a user account name eddie in red hat. and useradd -m eddie does the same in SuSE

the next command will add a paswword for the new account
you must enter the command passwd followed by a space and then the login-name of the new account you just created. it is critically important to properly include you account name so you would enter:

passwd login-name

for example, the user's name is called login-name so you would enter it like this:

paswwd login-name

after that you will be prompted to enter a password for the user name (in my case for login-name)