these are the best ideas for hooking up with a guy you really like.

1. dress sharp - always dress to impress. there is nothing more than dressing all sloppy to turn off a guy.

2. hygiene - always be aware how you smell, wash you teeth and be sure you dont have a bad smell. shower every day and be sure you wear some nice soft perfume. believe it or not, perfume is how you are defined by a guy. if he gets your smell your perfume, he will remember you.

3. eyes contact - dont be afraid to look into the guy's eyes. stare at him and if he catches you looking at him, dont turn away. let him know you are looking at him. but dont stare too long. as soon as he knows you are looking at him. wait 2 seconds, then turn away.

4. smarts - guys like smart girls, dont be a dumb person, so make sure you are always learning new things about a specific subject. dont start a conversation with guys about sports if you dont like sport. make sure you talk about something you like. if you do, then you will get the guy interested.

hmm, i go more tips, if anyone is interested, please let me know and ill send you all of the list i go. but first, you gotta tell me why you need them ok.