my name is hostman, i am with support, and many times while i am creating scripts, its useful to retrieve the names of the countries of the world from a database instead from html code. so we've created this mysql dump that you can add to your database so that you can query these countries directly from a database.

if you ever need hosting, remember that has the right solution for for all your web hosting needs. we have excellent and friendly service and support. we are always finding ways to give help to those who need it. like this mysql dump for example. you can find other website with the same information but they will charge you a fee to give you this kind of information, at webune, we believe open source is the the way to go.

with without wait, here's mysql dump for a list of all the countries of the world

CREATE TABLE `webune_country` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`country_code` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',
`country_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
-- Dumping data for table `webune_country`
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (1, 'US', 'United States');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (2, 'CA', 'Canada');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (3, 'AF', 'Afghanistan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (4, 'AL', 'Albania');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (5, 'DZ', 'Algeria');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (6, 'DS', 'American Samoa');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (7, 'AD', 'Andorra');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (8, 'AO', 'Angola');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (9, 'AI', 'Anguilla');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (10, 'AQ', 'Antarctica');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (11, 'AG', 'Antigua and/or Barbuda');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (12, 'AR', 'Argentina');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (13, 'AM', 'Armenia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (14, 'AW', 'Aruba');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (15, 'AU', 'Australia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (16, 'AT', 'Austria');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (17, 'AZ', 'Azerbaijan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (18, 'BS', 'Bahamas');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (19, 'BH', 'Bahrain');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (20, 'BD', 'Bangladesh');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (21, 'BB', 'Barbados');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (22, 'BY', 'Belarus');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (23, 'BE', 'Belgium');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (24, 'BZ', 'Belize');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (25, 'BJ', 'Benin');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (26, 'BM', 'Bermuda');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (27, 'BT', 'Bhutan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (28, 'BO', 'Bolivia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (29, 'BA', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (30, 'BW', 'Botswana');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (31, 'BV', 'Bouvet Island');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (32, 'BR', 'Brazil');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (33, 'IO', 'British lndian Ocean Territory');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (34, 'BN', 'Brunei Darussalam');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (35, 'BG', 'Bulgaria');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (36, 'BF', 'Burkina Faso');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (37, 'BI', 'Burundi');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (38, 'KH', 'Cambodia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (39, 'CM', 'Cameroon');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (40, 'CV', 'Cape Verde');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (41, 'KY', 'Cayman Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (42, 'CF', 'Central African Republic');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (43, 'TD', 'Chad');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (44, 'CL', 'Chile');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (45, 'CN', 'China');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (46, 'CX', 'Christmas Island');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (47, 'CC', 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (48, 'CO', 'Colombia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (49, 'KM', 'Comoros');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (50, 'CG', 'Congo');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (51, 'CK', 'Cook Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (52, 'CR', 'Costa Rica');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (53, 'HR', 'Croatia (Hrvatska)');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (54, 'CU', 'Cuba');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (55, 'CY', 'Cyprus');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (56, 'CZ', 'Czech Republic');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (57, 'DK', 'Denmark');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (58, 'DJ', 'Djibouti');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (59, 'DM', 'Dominica');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (60, 'DO', 'Dominican Republic');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (61, 'TP', 'East Timor');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (62, 'EC', 'Ecudaor');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (63, 'EG', 'Egypt');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (64, 'SV', 'El Salvador');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (65, 'GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (66, 'ER', 'Eritrea');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (67, 'EE', 'Estonia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (68, 'ET', 'Ethiopia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (69, 'FK', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (70, 'FO', 'Faroe Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (71, 'FJ', 'Fiji');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (72, 'FI', 'Finland');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (73, 'FR', 'France');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (74, 'FX', 'France, Metropolitan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (75, 'GF', 'French Guiana');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (76, 'PF', 'French Polynesia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (77, 'TF', 'French Southern Territories');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (78, 'GA', 'Gabon');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (79, 'GM', 'Gambia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (80, 'GE', 'Georgia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (81, 'DE', 'Germany');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (82, 'GH', 'Ghana');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (83, 'GI', 'Gibraltar');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (84, 'GR', 'Greece');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (85, 'GL', 'Greenland');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (86, 'GD', 'Grenada');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (87, 'GP', 'Guadeloupe');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (88, 'GU', 'Guam');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (89, 'GT', 'Guatemala');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (90, 'GN', 'Guinea');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (91, 'GW', 'Guinea-Bissau');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (92, 'GY', 'Guyana');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (93, 'HT', 'Haiti');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (94, 'HM', 'Heard and Mc Donald Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (95, 'HN', 'Honduras');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (96, 'HK', 'Hong Kong');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (97, 'HU', 'Hungary');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (98, 'IS', 'Iceland');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (99, 'IN', 'India');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (112, 'KI', 'Kiribati');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (113, 'KP', 'Korea, Democratic People''s Republic of');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (114, 'KR', 'Korea, Republic of');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (115, 'KW', 'Kuwait');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (116, 'KG', 'Kyrgyzstan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (117, 'LA', 'Lao People''s Democratic Republic');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (120, 'LS', 'Lesotho');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (122, 'LY', 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (130, 'MY', 'Malaysia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (131, 'MV', 'Maldives');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (132, 'ML', 'Mali');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (133, 'MT', 'Malta');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (135, 'MQ', 'Martinique');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (136, 'MR', 'Mauritania');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (137, 'MU', 'Mauritius');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (138, 'TY', 'Mayotte');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (139, 'MX', 'Mexico');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (140, 'FM', 'Micronesia, Federated States of');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (141, 'MD', 'Moldova, Republic of');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (143, 'MN', 'Mongolia');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (154, 'NZ', 'New Zealand');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (156, 'NE', 'Niger');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (159, 'NF', 'Norfork Island');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (160, 'MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (161, 'NO', 'Norway');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (162, 'OM', 'Oman');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (163, 'PK', 'Pakistan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (164, 'PW', 'Palau');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (165, 'PA', 'Panama');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (166, 'PG', 'Papua New Guinea');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (167, 'PY', 'Paraguay');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (168, 'PE', 'Peru');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (169, 'PH', 'Philippines');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (170, 'PN', 'Pitcairn');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (171, 'PL', 'Poland');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (172, 'PT', 'Portugal');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (173, 'PR', 'Puerto Rico');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (174, 'QA', 'Qatar');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (175, 'RE', 'Reunion');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (176, 'RO', 'Romania');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (177, 'RU', 'Russian Federation');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (178, 'RW', 'Rwanda');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (179, 'KN', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (180, 'LC', 'Saint Lucia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (181, 'VC', 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (182, 'WS', 'Samoa');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (183, 'SM', 'San Marino');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (184, 'ST', 'Sao Tome and Principe');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (185, 'SA', 'Saudi Arabia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (186, 'SN', 'Senegal');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (187, 'SC', 'Seychelles');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (188, 'SL', 'Sierra Leone');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (189, 'SG', 'Singapore');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (190, 'SK', 'Slovakia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (191, 'SI', 'Slovenia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (192, 'SB', 'Solomon Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (193, 'SO', 'Somalia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (194, 'ZA', 'South Africa');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (195, 'GS', 'South Georgia South Sandwich Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (196, 'ES', 'Spain');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (197, 'LK', 'Sri Lanka');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (198, 'SH', 'St. Helena');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (199, 'PM', 'St. Pierre and Miquelon');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (200, 'SD', 'Sudan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (201, 'SR', 'Suriname');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (202, 'SJ', 'Svalbarn and Jan Mayen Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (203, 'SZ', 'Swaziland');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (204, 'SE', 'Sweden');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (205, 'CH', 'Switzerland');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (206, 'SY', 'Syrian Arab Republic');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (208, 'TJ', 'Tajikistan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (209, 'TZ', 'Tanzania, United Republic of');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (210, 'TH', 'Thailand');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (211, 'TG', 'Togo');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (212, 'TK', 'Tokelau');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (217, 'TM', 'Turkmenistan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (218, 'TC', 'Turks and Caicos Islands');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (220, 'UG', 'Uganda');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (222, 'AE', 'United Arab Emirates');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (223, 'GB', 'United Kingdom');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (224, 'UM', 'United States minor outlying islands');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (226, 'UZ', 'Uzbekistan');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (227, 'VU', 'Vanuatu');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (228, 'VA', 'Vatican City State');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (229, 'VE', 'Venezuela');
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INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (231, 'VG', 'Virigan Islands (British)');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (232, 'VI', 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (233, 'WF', 'Wallis and Futuna Islands');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (234, 'EH', 'Western Sahara');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (235, 'YE', 'Yemen');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (236, 'YU', 'Yugoslavia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (237, 'ZR', 'Zaire');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (238, 'ZM', 'Zambia');
INSERT INTO `webune_country` VALUES (239, 'ZW', 'Zimbabwe');