are you looking for miley cyrus cell phone number to call her and tell how how mucy you love her. it would be so cool to talk to miley on her personal fans mobile telephone number and tell her how great she is. but unforntunately, miley is all grown up now. she is not the same little innocent girl in hannah montana, she is a woman now. i have read some of your posts here about hannah montana and see how many little girls are disapointed about hannah montana. you have to understand that even though miley is a celebrity, she is also a person like you and me, she has her own life and her own battles. can you imagine if millions of people wanted your number to call you like every minute, it would drive you crazy, so give miley a break. enjoy her shows and music, but dont get obsessed about miley. ok

tell me something, if you were to talk to miley right now, what would you say to her?