Why The Light Switch Doesn't Work?

These dreams always start the same, while in the dream, you approach the light switch and the lights don't come on. you freak out!! Sounds familiar? As you read through this article, you encounter many similarities in your dream. This type of dream seem to be more common than I thought. Read through he comments section below and take the quiz at the bottom of the page to find out why you are having these dreams.

Fear Of The Dark

Turning the lights off in the middle of the night has always haunted me. I have been afraid of the dark my whole life. Even as an adult, I remain fearful of the night. My fears have haunted me through me dreams and my nightmares.

Turning the Light switch off

About twenty years ago I started to have nightmares where I would find myself having a dream and being consciously aware that I was dreaming. Its an eerie feeling to know that you are in a dream. The pattern has been consistent through the 20+ years.

  1. Black and white in color
  2. I can see, but there's no light. Only shadows.
  3. I become aware that there is no light and I attempt to turn on the light with the switch on the wall
  4. An evil presence
  5. I call upon the Lord Jesus

Black and white

Usually my dreams are in color. I know because I can feel the warm and cool of the colors. I can see the greens in nature, the cool blues of water and the warmth of fire. However, I sometimes dream in white and black. The dreams start normal without me being aware I am having a bad dream. Until I become aware that the lights are off. I go to the light switch and flip it to turn it on, nothing happens. THIS IS WHEN I REALIZE I AM STUCK IN MY DREAMS AND FEEL THE EVIL PRESENCE.

The Evil Presence

At the beginning when I started to have these dreams, I would panic and become scare like hell! I remember the first time I had it, I did not know what to do and how to get out of it. As the dreams became more frequent, I would go to school thinking about it and how I can over come the fear. One day, I was in church, I knew that Jesus saves you. I burnt it in my mind that next time I had these dreams, to call upon the Lord to save me.

Jesus Saves You

I must admit, after coming up with my strategy to over come these fears, I would forget to call Jesus' name. Until after about the third or fourth try, I finally remembered that as soon as I hit the switch and the lights didn't come on, to shout "Jesus" - It worked! I consistently woke up after calling Jesus. Finally I thought to myself, I have Jesus to save me from these nightmares.

I called upon Jesus until I overcame the fear. Every time I had these dreams, I would avoid the evil presence and turn my back because I didn't want to see it. The dreams kept coming, although, not as frequent as when I was younger. I became curious to see what the evil was. In one of these dreams, I finally got the courage to see what it was. It was a shadow on a man. That is all I remember seeing, a tall dark shadow. I could not see its face. Later I  got the courage to chase it, but I could not catch it.


I don't know what exactly all this means but let me tell you about my experience with lights. You see, I was born in El Salvador. El Salvador is a 3rd world country and poor. I grew up in a poor environment where having electricity was a luxury. Also growing up, the adults would use words like the devil and other evil words to scare kids. I was not spared. We were told of many myths and I was very frighten as a child. I fear the night because I was told to go to bed early. It was not like I had an option, because sometimes there was no electricity so you had no other choice but to go to bed. Many nights I spent just laying on my bed (sometimes on the floor) hearing weird noises. I think I got this "turning on the lights" fear because the electricity was unpredictable and you never knew when the power would come back on. On the days when there was power, it was a joyful occasion. However, when there was no power, it was sad. I don't know if my experience without reliable power has anything to do with these dreams or not. One certainty in all of this is that when I called on Jesus' name, I started to be free from these dreams and from these fears.

Now that I have Jesus on my side, I am more aware when I have these dreams. Sometimes, I force myself to wake up, knowing full well that it is just a dream. I have also asked my wife to wake me up whenever I start to stutter words. There are also times when I know I am dreaming and I know my wife is sleeping next to me, I call her name to wake me up. She says she can't understand what I say. Whenever I call on Jesus, she does understand and can clearly hear me call on Jesus.

So what advice can I give you from my experience. My advice would be to follow Jesus and to call on him to save you. I am posting my experience here because I often wondered if anyone else have these dreams. Am I the only one? if you have these dreams also, I would appreciate you post your comments here so that I can perhaps learn from you on how to deal with them. Thank you

One pattern I have noticed is that I usually have these dreams when I have done something good that the Lord is pleased with. I think its the Evil one trying to scare me to not do good, but it has the opposite affect because I become more faithful to the Lord because I know Jesus loves me and it brings me closer to Jesus.

If you are not religious or don't believe in Jesus then what? I would still encourage you to try anyway. If you are having these dreams, then you clearly must understand that evil exists, therefore, good also exists. Jesus is good. You have nothing to lose but all to gain to overcome your fears.

Thanks for your comments, I can't believe there are people who are having these same dreams. I think its weird. Sometimes, when I have these dreams, I come back to this page to see if anyone recently had the dream, and sure enough, I think all of us are somehow connected to each other in one way or another. I want to find out more about this, the only way to do it is to share with other my experience and others to share their experience with us.

Why Do I Dream About Lights Quiz?

If you are curious why you are having dreams about why you cannot turn the light off. Take this quiz to maybe get some answers.