if you're wondering how can you make a guy like you for who you are, the answer is simple,

my secret has always been spending time with a guy.

the only way you are going to be able to spend some time with a guy is only if you both has some common interestest.. what i mean by that is that you both like the same thing. if there's something you both like, this is the way to get into a guy. once you share something i common, you hust have to devote time to him. you must know that all this time you are investing on this guy, will have some risks. the risk is that NOT always he will fall in love with you. falling in love doesn't happen quick. not confuse love with infactuation. so if you are up to the challenge of speding time with a guy, i will tell you what you need to do nex, but first, tell me what' you've done so far.