Dems vs Reps (Democrats vs. Replublicans)

every time there is an election i always wonder what the heck is the diference between the replublicans and the democrats. when i watch the television they say republicans are "conservatives" while the democrats are "liberals" - i dont consider myself a democrat nor a replublican, i guess im what they call an "undecided"

but as i watch people who are replublicans the only conclusion i can arrive is that they are greedy, they dont like to share. they only want to get rich while dont care about the poor people.

as for democrats, the impression i get is that they care about the poor people and they care about animals and earth. however, they dont care much about religion as strong as the replublicans,

so i was wondering if can get your opinion as to what do you consider yourself?
a replublican or a democrat?

and what makes you a republican or democrat.

i want to learn from others. maybe i just got it all wrong man.